Thank you for listening

a film by zelivac studios

This is a very independent film and I am utilizing as many platforms as I can to shamelessly request monetary assistance. Most of the current funds have been provided by donations from some awesome people and the bulk by yours truly. This is the remaining balance to get the budget to the light at the end of the tunnel. So to speak.

However, I do not believe in asking for free money. For anyone willing to donate I have tons of stuffs to give out.

Here is a breakdown of what donations will get ya:

  • $10 a thank you in the end credits from the Director (that's me by-the-way, hi)

  • $20 all of the above and stickers (form the movie)

  • $50 all of the above and a T-shirt (colors may vary)

  • $100 all of the above and a hat (like the one Larry wears in the movie, colors may vary)

  • $200 and up! all of the above, a spot as an extra! (with travel accommodations provided by you, I mean I am trying to raise money after all) AND hang out with me for cup of coffee and I’ll read you three script pages of your choosing. (yes I’ll pimp myself out for this)

This is the he first poster (trailer coming soon) of the movie “thank you for listening”. I’m very excited. The clock is ticking and I’ve been doing my best to get everything ready for filming next year. Anything donated to the cause will be greatly appreciated and help move this project forward.

To donate or share click the link below!

Zelivac Studios Movie Fund

Or! You can also choose to not help and just wait for the movie. That’s an option too. Life is about choices, make good ones.

Thank you for reading

Be good humans,



The How's it Haunting? Podcast